منتديات الإدارة > قسم المشاكل و الإقتراحات


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--- مقتبس من: Arantor في 24 , يونيو, 2009 - 02:22:56 مسائاً ---That's my question: there is no easy way to prevent it.

You can write a mod that would prevent a user changing it, so that once they have signed up and picked their gender, they won't be able to change it. But that wouldn't stop a user signing up and setting it to male themselves. Any sufficiently determined user can bypass any technical restriction.

When I said about it being in SMF by default, I also said it would have been better requesting it in Mod Requests - the people that come into this board tend to code-related questions, and questions on how they can modify SMF, not to ask someone to build a mod for them. Generally such requests tend to get answered faster in the Mod Requests board.

--- نهاية الإقتباس ---


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